Thursday, December 4, 2014

Smoke and Mirrors

Just some ramblings about politics and current unrest in America. With all of the protest and violence going on in our nation, what is our government up too? This seems to be perfect timing for them to pull a fast one over on us. And I am not just talking about President Obama. I haven't been happy with this administration but it's not for some of the same reasons we see in the media.

There is a lawsuit from 17 States against President Obama that claims his executive order violates the law and is a abuse of power. Why is it when 3 previous presidents used executive order to do some of the same Immigration reforms it is all of a sudden illegal? Why is the governor of my state calling the Presidents actions illegal? It sure does seem like a lot of people in politics need to do some good looking into their own actions.

Certain media outlets claim the President's plan on Immigration will grant amnesty to 5 million Illegal Aliens and give them access to Heath care and all other benefits that citizens get. But if you read, it does not give amnesty, it provides illegals an opportunity to work and pay taxes from that work. 

News flash, these are millions of people who want to be in this country to work, support their family and make a better life for themselves. We have more than double the number of US Citizens who would rather not work and collect a check from the government even though they are capable of working.

How about Benghazi? For months that was a daily headline. Now what's the deal. A GOP committee just deemed there was no wrong doing on the White Houses actions in Benghazi. I don't think that made big headlines because of everything else going on. 

Why is it so hard for people in Washington to work with Barack Obama? Is it because President Obama's Birth Certificate is a fake and he is not a US citizen? There are some people out there that have spent the past 6 years trying to argue that very point. Let's settle that one so they can move on. If President Obama's father was Kenyan and even if President was born in Africa himself, his mother was born in the U.S. and was a citizen. Last time I checked, only one parent had to be a citizen regardless of where the child was born. Unless his mom renounced her Citizenship, President Barak Hussain Obama is a US citizen and eligible to become president. Lets be real, he wouldn't be in office if it was that easy to get him out, but that hasn't stopped people from continuing to search for evidence.

Maybe it's because the president is Muslim. He has claimed he is not Muslim, but what if he was? Is there a law that he can't be Muslim? Or is it that we the American people believe he simpathizes with the "Militant Extremist" groups in the world?

Whatever it is, it doesn't look like while he is in office, much will get done between the parties. So I am not sure what the "big" event will be, but odds are in favor that something will be snuck in under our eyes soon.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hate Crimes

WIth all of the violence in our Nation, we've heard the term "Hate Crime" come up a few times. Usually we see this in crimes against members of the LGBT community or crimes committed against other races. Shouldn't all Violent crimes be Hate Crimes regardless of someones sexual preference or race?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


It's been a long time since I've posted anything, but today I was reminded how sad some people in this world really are. An incident at my daughter's school this morning, showed the "True Colors" of one parent. I don't know the woman's name, so from here on out she will be referred to as "that woman".

What really bothers me was how blatantly rude that woman was and that she was not ashamed of it. She said a few words that really stuck to me. She said, "This is how we do it around here. You'll learn." Now think about that for a moment. For a lot of you, this statement may not cut too deep. And fortunately I did not give that woman the pleasure of knowing how deep it cut me.

That woman's statement implied that I was new or not familiar with "here". Where exactly is here? Deep down I want to believe she was not making a racial statement, but let's be honest here, that's what this blog is about, honesty! Her words were just that. She assumed I was "not from around here". I am sure I scared the hell out of her when she heard my "Southern Ass" speak. She was probably thinking, "he speaks English well" or "he's well spoken". I should speak English well being that it's the ONLY language I've ever spoken.

Now, let's look at the second part of what that woman said to me. "You'll learn!" This statement implies that I will conform to that woman's ways. Like she's my master and I her slave. You see where I am going with this. What sense of entitlement does that woman posses to make a statement like that?

One thing I want everyone to notice is that I never mentioned the race of that woman. My point in doing so is that she could have been of any race, her actions are what bothers me, not her race. These things happen daily and they are orchestrated by all races. Ignorance does not discriminate!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

"Work Ethic"

Our work ethic in this country is very poor. It's embarrassing to see what these people in other countries go through just to survive. These people do these things because they don't have a system that will take care of them if they decide they just don't want to work. These images were published today I think form MSN.

This man in India is carrying this body of a car on his bicycle to a scrap yard for money.

You can barely see the bicycle this man is using to carry these bails of hay.

This man in India is carrying 6 kids on a moped from school.

These garment workers in Cambodia pile into a van to ride home from work.

This man in China is moving his furniture with a bicycle!

This family of 5 rides to school and work on a moped. The mom holds the phone so the dad can take a call while driving. A new meaning to "hands free".

The man uses a richshaw in China to carry chairs for sale.

This man carries ducks on his moped in Vietnam to sale.

These images make me proud to be an American, but they should also make many ashamed of their lifestyle. If everyone would pull their weight, our country would be so much better off.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Time Magazine

I guess I will have to add this to the list of news media to NOT listen to. A friend of mine posted this video ( on Facebook. In the video, the man displays 600 rounds of 9mm and 20 Glock 30 round clips. I don't know if you guys have shopped around for ammo lately or magazines, clips, etc. Nothing is cheap! If you can find 9mm bullets, they will run around $17-$20 for a box of 50 (Range Ammo). This is about double of what you would pay before the Sandy Hook incident. This article is from January 28, 2013. The man shows clearly in the article that it says, "THERE ARE 600-ROUND MAGAZINES FOR AS LOW AS $25.95". SIX HUNDRED????? I googled 600-round magazine and sure enough, I found 1 for $16! It was for a AK47! AIRSOFT GUN!!! That is some fine journalism on behalf of Time Magazine.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Gun Debate

It's no secret, I own a gun and I am also a member of the NRA. I am a member solely because I believe I have the right to protect my family.

I hear a lot in the news about proposed gun laws. Much emphasis is put into types of guns and the capacity of the magazines.

Lets compare guns to cars. For men, we love all forms of power. As a teenager, I wanted a Ford Mustang GT. I eventually got that vehicle. As a matter of fact, I got more than one. The first was an automatic and I grew bored of it after 6 months. The second was a 5 speed with enough horse power to get me in trouble. But fortunately for my mom, I had common sense. I kept that car for 10 years. If I would have had a bigger budget, I would have an Aston Martin or Ferrari . Both of these super cars are capable of 200+ miles an hour. Where could I possibly reach the potential of either car? Maybe a test track? It doesn't matter, the fact that people can't get the full potential out of a car like that doesn't keep people from buying them.

It's the same thing with guns? I have a full size 9mm that has a capacity of 18 plus 1. This is a semi automatic pistol. I have 19 chances to save a life. If the people in Washington have it their way, my clip will be illegal. How about comparing a assault rifle to a super car? More specific, I'm going to call a AR-15 .223 a assault rifle. Why does anyone need this type of gun? For the same reason that I saw a guy driving his Ferrari California Edition down the PCH in Malibu, CA. That guy will never reach the potential of that car, but he wanted it and got it. The AR-15 is not a cheap gun, but it's not the most expensive. It is a semi automatic rifle with high capacity options. It's a super car or hot rod in the gun world. What's the difference?


From now on, don't pay attention to NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN....... My Blog will translate the news for you with it's built in BS detector! ESPN is still a viable source for info. "Da-Da-Da, Da-Da-Da!"